Ring Project: Jambak Cosmology

In response to Metaphor About Island as a theme, we are interested to see island as a dynamic subject that influences each other with people who come and go. Through this project, we brings up circumstance as a theme that focuses on various external influences and negotiate with internal influences. We invite several participants consisting of local youngsters to collaborate in Kampung Jawa, Solok, a region dominated by diverse ethnicities, such as Javanese, Minangnese, Bataknese, and Keling, which is later abbreviated as JAMBAK.

They coexist and become dynamism and cosmology capital in the area. This collaboration is implemented through residency, where each participant interacts with local residents, digs narratives, and finds visual objects related to the circumstance. This work is displayed in the form of found objects, such as spices, flowers, ritual tools, and spiritual texts. In this exhibition, Gubuak Kopi also do a performance: Bunibunian – Buni #1

7-21 January 2022
at National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta

Curated by:
Sandy Hsiu-chih Lo x Gudskul
Organized by:
Ring Project x Jakarta Biennale x Gudskul Ekosistem

Related page:

Performance: Bunibunian – Buni #1


